It is great to be back and preparing for another year in out religious education program. We hope you have all had an enjoyable and safe summer and look forward to growing in Christ with you and your family this year!
On behalf of Our Lady of Mercy Church and our catechism teachers, we welcome you and your child to this year's Religious Education program. It gives us great pleasure to share our Catholic faith with your children. With heartfelt enthusiasm and a commitment to excellence, we strive for your children to be holy. As always we are happy to hear your input or to answer any questions you may have.
Our mission is to help you as parents/guardians to nurture and foster growth in the Catholic faith of your children. This is accomplished with help from Catechists/volunteers of our Parish who give of their time and talents.
Hints of fall are everywhere. Back to school sales are being advertised. Nights hold the nip of autumn. Days are growing shorter. As families prepare for a new school year, the OLM family is preparing for a new year of religious education. With the changes to our Mass schedule, there will be changes to our faith formation schedule also.
Registration for the 2024-2025 religious education program will take place after Masses the weekend of August 17-18. If you have found that you have missed the general registration weekend, please stop by the Office of Lifelong Faith Formation during normal working hours. All families with children intending to participate in the 2024-2025 Rel. Ed. program are asked to register at this time. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated.
Again this year, there will be a $10 discount on the registration fee for those families who provide the parish with current clearances for at least one parent. If you already submitted clearances and they are less than 3 years old, the discount will apply. As most of you know, all those who volunteer with children must have government issued clearances, both Criminal Background checks and Child Abuse Clearances. This law applies to parents helping with a classroom party, chaperoning a field trip, religious education substitutes and the like. These clearances are free for volunteers. However, they must be on file with the sponsoring organization before any volunteer can assist with any aspect of any program.
Our Lady of Mercy believes that parent participation in the religious education ministry is essential to its success. Whether parents can volunteer on a weekly basis or assist with a one-time project, we value your gifts and time. The only way that we can involve parents is if we have their clearances on file.
Many of you already have obtained these clearances for school, scouting, sports or other programs. If you do not already have these documents, you can apply on-line. All links can be found at the diocesan website If you have any difficulty completing the on-line application for these clearances, call the parish and we will assist you.
Program Fees may be paid at the time of registration. Checks should be made payable to Our Lady of Mercy Religious Education. Program fees are:
For a family who has current criminal background checks and child abuse clearances for at least one parent on file at OLM, the fee schedule is:
If we have current clearances on file, a notation will appear on your registration form. If you present clearances at time of registration, the registration fee will be adjusted accordingly.
Kindergarten religious education class is held on Sunday mornings from 10:30-12:00. Participants must be age 5 by September 1 and should be in the same school grade. The Kindergarten group meets in classroom #5.
Grade One religious education is required prior to participation in the Sacramental Preparation program. First grade religious education students meet in classroom #7 on Sunday mornings from 10:30-12:00.