Our ministry has its foundation in our Sunday Liturgy and supports the role of the family in fostering their children's faith.

Education in the faith by the parents should begin in the child's earliest years. This already happens when family members help one another to grow in faith by the witness of a Christian life in keeping with the Gospel. Family catechesis precedes, accompanies, and enriches other forms of instruction in the faith. Parents have the mission of teaching their children to pray and to discover their vocation as children of God. The parish is the Eucharistic community and the heart of the liturgical life of Christian families; it is a privileged place for the catechesis of children and parents. Catechism of the Catholic church #2226

Our mission is to help you as parents/guardians to nurture and foster growth in the Catholic faith of your children. This is accomplished with help from Catechists/volunteers of our Parish who give of their time and talents.

For questions, email the Faith Formation Office at ilucas@ourladyofmercychurch.org or phone 814-899-6132


Religious Education Classes begin on Tuesday, September 3.
Religious Education calendars are available at the time of registration..

Download / Print Religious Education Details

Religious Education class is held on Sunday mornings from 10:30-12:00. Participants must be age 5 by September 1 and should be in the same school grade. The Kindergarten group meets in classroom #5.

Grade One religious education is required prior to participation in the Sacramental Preparation program. First grade religious education students meet in classroom #7 on Sunday mornings from 10:30-12:00.

First Reconciliation:
First Reconciliation preparation is conducted on the second grade level. The First Reconciliation program, held 10:30-12:00 Sunday morning in classroom #6, is open to all students in Grade 2 or older who have previously been involved in at least one year of religious instruction and who have been baptized. No child can be registered for the grade 2 RE class who has not attended one year of formal religious education classes at a Catholic parish. In order to qualify as successfully completing 1 year of instruction, the child must have been present for a minimum of 3/4th of the schedule classes or provide a letter of completion from the pastor or director of the parish program they attended stating such. Participation in a 3-hour preparatory retreat is required prior to the celebration of the sacrament. The celebration of First Reconciliation occurs in March. Parental support and involvement is essential during periods of sacramental preparation.

First Eucharist:
First Eucharist preparation is the curriculum for the third grade program. Individuals must have celebrated the sacraments of Baptism and Reconciliation prior to the celebration of their First Eucharist. First Eucharist is celebrated in May. Students are required to participate in an April retreat day as part of the preparation program. Parental involvement and support is essential during periods of sacramental preparation.

The Intermediate Program:
The Intermediate Program encompasses grades 3-6. Students participating in religious education on this level gather for classes on Tuesday afternoons from 4:00-5:30. The school bus service for Harbor Creek School District brings children from the Harbor Creek elementary schools to the parish. Parents are responsible for picking up their children at class end.

Behavior for the Rel. Ed. bus follows the same policies as that enforced by the Harbor Creek School District. Failure by any student to behave in an appropriate fashion while riding the bus to religious education classes will result in the suspension of the privilege to receive this transportation for the remainder of the academic year.

Junior High Youth Meet:
Sunday from 10:30-12:00. Combining fun activities, faith sharing, witness talks and prayer, 7th & 8th grade youth are invited into a deeper relationship with Christ and with His Body, the Church. The junior high group gathers in the gym. Diocesan policy mandates that youth participate in 7th & 8th grade faith formation prior to beginning Confirmation preparation. The Diocese of Erie requires 90% attendance at this level.

Confirmation Preparation takes place in 9th grade:
Those attending a Catholic high school must prepare for the sacrament in their home parish. This program includes small group Sessions, service projects, retreat days, etc. Those celebrating the sacrament of Confirmation must be in the second semester of 9th grade or older, have been baptized, and have completed all requirements. Confirmation preparation takes place Sunday from 10:30-12:00. The group meets in the Ritchie Room.

Days of Retreat:
Days of Retreat are provided for students in the formal religious education program. All program provided retreat experiences are free to participants. Attendance at these events is required for those preparing for a sacramental celebration (Grade 2 First Reconciliation, Grade 3 First Eucharist and Grade 9 Confirmation). All other experiences are encouraged, but not mandatory. These days combine fun with spiritual growth.

Family Faith Days:
Family Faith Days are opportunities for families to share in the faith formation process with their children. Currently, these are scheduled twice during the school year during the Sunday morning program. On these specially designated mornings, all children in Kindergarten through gr. 2 are joined by parents, siblings and any extended family members to share in a special morning of prayer and fun.

Parent Meetings:
Parent Meetings enable family members to best support the faith development of their child. Every year we hold a series of parent meetings designed to inform parents of curriculum topics, special projects and other details of interest. All parent meetings are designed to be informative and brief. All parents and guardians are highly encouraged to attend these meetings. Please consult the religious education calendar and the bulletin for specific times and dates.

Absentee Policy:
Preparing for a sacramental celebration is a very important process. Extra care and attention is directed to these parts of the program by the R. E. Office, the catechists and the families. To ensure that youth are as well prepared as possible, attendance policies are in place for these years. preparing for First Reconciliation and First Eucharist (grades 1, 2 & 3) must be present for a minimum of ¾ of scheduled classes. Any child absent for more than a quarter of the scheduled classes will not be approved to celebrate this sacrament. (Any first grade student who has missed more than a quarter of the scheduled classes will not have met the requirement of completing a year of religious ed necessary to enter the First Reconciliation program.) Jr. High youth are required to attend 90% of the 7th & 8th grade sessions before enrolling in Confirmation preparation. Confirmation candidates (grade 9) are mandated by diocesan policy to attend 90% of the sessions. Additional absences must be made up with the Director of Lifelong Faith Formation before the candidate can continue in the process. Additionally, this year of preparation includes work to be done at home. homework must be completed and returned before the individual will be approved for the sacramental celebration.

To all returning catechetical ministers, students and families, I look forward to seeing you soon. To all new participants in the religious education program, I welcome you. To all members of this parish community, I encourage your comments, ideas and suggestions.
May you continue to deepen your love for God and one another. May the remaining weeks of the summer season bring many blessings.

Faith formation does not conclude with the celebration of Confirmation.
We must actively grow as disciples of Christ throughout our lives. Our Lady of Mercy offers a range of opportunities for adults from speaker series to Scripture studies, from a lending library to ministry formation, from days of recollection to a question box. Among all the opportunities available at OLM, participation in a Small Christian Community is one of the most valuable of these faith formation opportunities.

Irene Lucas

Director of Lifelong Faith Formation

Irene Lucas

Director of Lifelong Faith Formation

For more information contact Irene Lucas,
(814) 899-6132