July 29 thru Auguat 2, 2024 - Vacation Bible School

Vacation Bible School
Mark your calendar for a week of summer fun July 29-Aug. 2. VBS is open to all children age 4 years old through grade 6. Calling all lords and ladies, maidens and pages, all Guardians of God’s Kingdom to put on your helmet of holiness and take up your shield of salvation and be part of this great summer event.

VBS Seeking Volunteers!
Volunteers are needed to make this week a success. If you can help for one day or all five, if you can help with story time or craft, with being an age group leader or making game time fun, contact Irene at ilucas@ourladyofmercychurch.org or 814-899-6132. Clearances are required for all volunteers, so sign up in time to complete the paperwork.

Download / Vacation Bible School Registration Flyer

2024 - Catholic Services Appeal

Catholic Services Appeal VIDEO

Please complete the pledge form and return it to the Parish Office or in the collection basket.

CSA Pledge Form