"Are you or someone you know facing serious illness, grief or other difficulty?
Would you like to be wrapped in prayer, enveloped by a hand-made prayer shawl?
Request a prayer shawl from our parish ministry here."

(required information is indicated by a "*")
Please note: we never sell your email address!

What we need to know about the person receiving the Prayer Shawl!

Please share anything about the person and the need that you are comfortable revealing. We will do our best to find the shawl that is perfect for the recipient.

* These fields are required.

Visit Us

The Prayer Shawl Ministry is made up of women and men who enjoy knitting, crocheting, praying and who enjoy each other’s company.

Members meet either Tuesday afternoons from 2-4 PM and/or Thursday evenings 6-8 PM in the conference room at OLM when they are available. No commitments are required.

Address: 837 Bartlett Road, Harborcreek PA 16421 Phone: (814) 899-5342
Fax: (814) 898-3306
Email: info@ourladyofmercychurch.org

Parish Office Hours

Monday - Friday: 9am to 3pm Saturday: Closed Sunday: Closed